Jesuit LGBT Activist James Martin: Trump Is Not ‘Pro-Life’
Jesuit Father James Martin asserted Tuesday that President Donald Trump is not “pro-life,” following the latter’s restoration of the death penalty on the federal level.

Jesuit Father James Martin asserted Tuesday that President Donald Trump is not “pro-life,” following the latter’s restoration of the death penalty on the federal level.
Pope Francis has announced his intention to make 21 new cardinals on December 8, among whom is the pro-LGBT Dominican friar Timothy Radcliffe.
ROME, Italy — Opposition to gay sex is based on a misreading of the Bible, much as the sacred text was used for centuries to defend slavery, argues gay-rights activist Father James Martin in an article published Wednesday.
Openly gay priest Father William McNichols has created a new icon of Pope Francis kissing Jesus Christ’s feet for Father James Martin’s August LGBT outreach event.
Jesuit Father James Martin has blasted the Supreme Court for its immunity ruling, warning that “the President can now order the execution of his political enemies.”
Pope Francis has again decried an atmosphere of “faggotry” in the Vatican, doubling down after similar controversial comments two weeks ago.
Pope Francis has written a glowing forward to a new book by gay rights activist Father James Martin, calling him a “person who has fallen in love with the Word of God.”
Pro-LGBTQ+ Jesuit Father James Martin said Wednesday that he has known “hundreds” of gay priests in his life as a Jesuit.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York celebrated a “Mass of Reparation” this weekend in atonement for a “scandalous” and “sacrilegious” event honoring deceased trans-activist Cecilia Gentili.
Pope Francis has met with stiff opposition from black Christian leaders after approving the blessing of gay couples.
Pope Francis has promised prayers for the success of an LGBTQQIAAP2S+ conference in New York led by Father James Martin.
Jesuit Father James Martin said this weekend that celebrating Gay Pride is compatible with devotion to the Sacred Heart because both teach us about the love of Jesus.
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Manhattan has launched an exhibit titled “God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey” to the consternation of many of the faithful.
New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan said Monday that the mantra of inclusivity must be stretched to include everyone, including unborn babies.
Jesuit Father James Martin, an LGBT advocate, affirmed Saturday his belief that two men can enter into a real marriage that must be recognized as such.
Moral theologian Father Brian Graebe has joined Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki in rebuking Jesuit Father James Martin for his promotion of Holy Communion for politicians who aggressively promote abortion.
Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki has issued a public correction of Jesuit Father James Martin for his insistence that pro-abortion Catholic politicians have the right to receive Holy Communion.
A Catholic church outside Bologna bestowed a public blessing on a gay couple last week with the permission of Bologna’s Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, a leading candidate for the next papal election.
ROME — Jesuit Father James Martin declared this week that Gay Pride celebrations show us “whom Jesus calls us to love” and therefore are “deeply complementary” with devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
LGBT advocate Father James Martin, SJ, said Thursday that churches have a special duty to celebrate Gay Pride, since much anti-gay violence has been “motivated by religion.”
Pro-LGBT Jesuit Father James Martin rushed to the defense of German Cardinal Reinhard Marx Saturday, after the latter proposed changing Catholic teaching on the morality of gay sex.
Liberal Jesuit Catholic priest Father James Martin has come under fire for appearing to defend puberty blockers in children who identify as transgender.
Jesuit Father James Martin told Italian media that the U.S. bishops are obsessed with abortion, which clouds their vision on other equally important issues.
President-elect Joe Biden has invited the former president of Georgetown University, Jesuit Father Leo O’Donovan, to deliver the invocation at his presidential inauguration on January 20.
The bishop of Knoxville (TN) has called into question claims by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi that they are “faithful Catholics” given their public opposition to Church teaching.
New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan has accepted an invitation to deliver the opening prayer before President Trump’s nomination speech at the 2020 Republican National Convention.
Two well-known progressive Catholics are slated to speak at the Democratic National Convention this week despite concerns that the party has become anti-Catholic to its core.
Forbes Magazine has accused the Vatican of “rejecting” transgender people by publishing a text reaffirming its teaching that God creates human beings as male and female.
Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput told the synod of bishops in Rome Thursday that in the Catholic tradition there is no such thing as an “LGBTQ Catholic,” as if people’s sexual proclivities determine their identity as persons.
Catholics are “outraged” about reports of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s serial homosexual abuse, not so much because a churchman sinned as that he did so with impunity and protection, a new article asserts.
As a number of priests and bishops denounce the homosexual culture at the root of recent clerical sex scandals, Jesuit Father James Martin addressed the World Meeting of Families in Dublin on Thursday, urging greater “openness and respect” toward gays.