Nolte: Far-left NBC Sends Anti-Trump Activist Yamiche Alcindor to White House Briefing Room
Far-left NBC News is signaling nothing will change by announcing anti-Trump activist Yamiche Alcindor will return to the White House briefing room.

Far-left NBC News is signaling nothing will change by announcing anti-Trump activist Yamiche Alcindor will return to the White House briefing room.
Newly promoted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who also now serves as a senior adviser to President Joe Biden, prevents national security spokesperson John Kirby from joining her at the podium at White House press briefings, people familiar with the matter told Axios.
President Joe Biden (D) is being accused of trying to ruin Vice President Kamala Harris’s (D) campaign for the White House.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared Tuesday that President Joe Biden is “on fire” when asked about his recent blitz to coalesce support within the party following his disastrous debate performance late last month.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre paused the press briefing on Tuesday afternoon after learning that a reporter had fainted.
President Joe Biden’s White House restored the previously missing feed of press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s hostile exchange with a reporter on Monday.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said parents who are worried about their baby’s immediate needs for formula amid a nationwide shortage should “call their doctor” in a press briefing on Thursday.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki failed to mention Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s recent hospitalization at the top of the White House’s press briefing.
The White House press briefing is one of the few public meetings to begin without an invocation. But the example of a prayer or moment of silence would resonate across the country.
The average cost of gas in the United States hit three dollars a gallon on Wednesday, the first time since November 2014.
At the end of Monday’s press briefing, a costumed individual dressed as the Easter bunny entered the room carrying a basket of candy.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot referred to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany as a “Karen” on Thursday afternoon, using a term that some consider a racial slur against white women.
The White House press corps has asked President Donald Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, the same question for the last four briefings in a row: does the president believe there is “systemic racism” in law enforcement?
The briefing is scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m. EST.
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany called out Sen. Elizabeth Warren for presiding false statistics on the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday.
CBS News White House correspondent Weijia Jiang made a thinly-veiled accusation of racism against President Donald Trump on Monday afternoon when he spoke about China in response to one of her questions at a press briefing in the Rose Garden.
More than 55,000 Americans are dead, some 27 million are unemployed, and the headline out of Monday’s White House press briefing is a useless, attention-seeking gotcha question asked by Antony Weiner’s former intern.
President Donald Trump suggested that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is still alive, despite rumors that he is either gravely ill or dead.
New York magazine Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi appeared to have been triggered by criticism from former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer on Monday evening, tweeting at him: “Oh shut the f*ck up.”
How about this? One measly day a week, after his usual briefing, instead of answering the same questions over and over and over from the corporate media, Trump answers questions from a group of people outside the corporate media — from some outside thinkers.
Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters on Monday that the world could experience another outbreak of coronavirus in the fall, even if the virus fades in the summer.
America’s increasingly unstable and dangerous establishment media are calling for a full blackout of President Trump’s daily coronavirus press conferences.
CNN’s Brian Karem pushed the lie Thursday that President Trump is responsible for the mass murder at a Annapolis newsroom.
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that the White House Press Briefing should be scrapped, and members of the press corps “should walk out en masse and make a statement.” Maher said, “I think they
President Donald Trump’s military doctor Dr. Ronny Jackson conducted a physical exam of the president’s health and although the results were “excellent,” he answered questions about the president’s health at the White House press briefing on Tuesday.
President Donald Trump’s senior advisor Stephen Miller ripped into CNN’s Jim Acosta on Wednesday during a White House press briefing, accusing him of having a “cosmopolitan bias” over his attitude to immigration.
Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson, who previously served as Chairman and CEO of CNN and as TIME Magazine’s Editor, stated that the number of on-camera White House press briefings could be reduced and that it’s good to have off-camera
Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the White House Press Corps on Tuesday that CNN was “a disgrace to journalism.”
President Donald Trump’s budget director Mick Mulveney reassured supporters that the White House would build a wall, previewing it to reporters at the White House press briefing.
Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich discussed the possibility of the Trump administration doing away with the daily press briefing, an idea floated by President Donald Trump in an interview set to air Saturday night
Wednesday at the White House press briefing, New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski interrupted the White House press briefing given by press secretary Sean Spicer. Gronkowski asked Spicer if he needed any help, to which Spicer replied, “I think
Monday at the White House press briefing, press secretary Josh Earnest said the media vetting of Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson was “appropriate” and “good for our democracy.” “This process is good for our democracy,” Earnest said to a