Poland Focusses on Security, Russian ‘Hybrid Attacks’ With Rotating Council of Europe Presidency
Almost 30,000 attempted border crossings were spotted last year. Most are young men, often from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.

Almost 30,000 attempted border crossings were spotted last year. Most are young men, often from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Tuesday that he was freed after years of incarceration because he “pled guilty to journalism.”
Europe’s highest rights body called on Britain to scrap a plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, saying it raised “major issues”.
A delegation from Ukraine arrived in Taiwan on Sunday, hoping to secure assistance from Taiwanese firms to rebuild in the aftermath of the Russian invasion.
Hungary’s Orban pushed into dropping demands, allegedly on pain of severe punishment by the bloc if he didn’t step aside.
Over ninety per cent of failed asylum seekers in 2020 were not deported by the British Home Office, analysis has found.
The Council of Europe on Wednesday expelled Russia from the continent’s foremost human rights body in an unprecedented move.
Russia has reportedly left the Council of Europe, which oversees the European Court of Human Rights, citing European Union and NATO member-states’ “abuse” of their influence in the organisation.
The Council of Europe had dropped its pro-hijab Twitter campaign after a backlash in France, with French politicians saying it conflicted with the country’s secular values and that it promoted Islamism and the enslavement of women.
“Hundreds” of failed asylum seekers could see their deportation decisions reversed after a Vietnamese migrant won a case against the government’s decision to deny her refugee status after she was trafficked into the country for forced labour in a cannabis farm and as a prostitute.
The Council of Europe has slammed a new Greek migration law that would limit the activities of NGOs picking up migrants in the Aegean Sea.
Poland and Lithuania, battling border crises reportedly engineered by the Lukashenko regime in Belarus, are under pressure from the United Nations and the Council of Europe to let the migrants in.
LISBON, Portugal (AP) – A senior European human rights official is sounding the alarm about a rise in racism and discrimination in Portugal.
Security experts from the Council of Europe have warned of the possibility of biological terror in the wake of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, saying the outbreak has revealed societal vulnerabilities.
Hungary’s parliament has passed a declaration against signing the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women because it smuggles in provisions declaring gender a “social construct” and allowing “gender-based asylum claims”.
EU nations have been told to bring in measures promoting ethnic minorities in the workplace, to ensure the bloc has “the diversity Europe needs to remain relevant” in a global economy. Institutions including the Organization for Security and Co-operation in
Concerns have been raised “about the number and severity of injuries resulting from the use of force by law enforcement officers” during Yellow Vest anti-government protests in Paris by a pan-European human right body.
The Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights has travelled to Paris to speak with the French government about the Yellow Vest protests after footage and images of the government’s heavy-handed attempts to break the protests flashed around the world.
The Council of Europe has asked the Islamist government of Turkey to stop funding Islam overseas for political purposes.
Sweden has been told to ban parties calling for tighter immigration controls following a Council of Europe report urging the nation to criminalise support for “racist” groups.
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks has criticised Sweden for not taking in enough migrants, saying that more chain migration — or ‘family reunification’ — would “help integration”.
“Europe has always been a continent of diversity. Migration has always been an integral part of its history,” the Council of Europe has claimed in a statement marking International Migrants Day.
The President of the Czech Republic has urged Europe to reject illegal economic migrants, warning that mass migration to the West will only drain their homelands of talent and consign them to “permanent backwardness”.
The Council of Europe has spoken out against performing medical tests on migrants to determine their age, claiming youths could be “frightened and unsettled” by the process. In a report published Wednesday on age tests, the children’s rights committee of
VIENNA – Up to 2.5 million votes could have been manipulated in Sunday’s Turkish referendum which ended in a tight ‘Yes’ vote for greater presidential powers, Alev Korun, an Austrian member of the Council of Europe observer mission, told ORF radio on Tuesday.
ANKARA, Turkey — Turkey’s referendum campaign was conducted on an “unlevel playing field” and the vote count itself was marred by late procedural changes that removed key safeguards, international observers said on Monday.
Contents: Sharply divided Turkey approves referendum giving Erdogan near-dictatorial powers; Turkey’s referendum results will be closely scrutinized by Europe
The British government should spend potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds funding a language with just 500 fluent speakers, the Council of Europe has said.
Turkey on Tuesday rejected a European legal report calling its proposed constitutional changes a big setback for democracy, saying the experts who compiled it had become politicized and the report stained their prestige.
WARSAW (AFP) – Polish media on Friday underscored their country’s isolation in the European Union after the bloc’s leaders re-elected liberal Donald Tusk as president despite strident opposition from the rightwing government in his native Poland.
The European Council has joined the chorus of opposition to the UK’s anti-terror and de-radicalisation programmes, claiming they are “fomenting fear and resentment… particular in the Muslim community.”
The French parliament has passed a formal ban on spanking children, bringing the global total to 52 different countries where such corporal punishment in homes is against the law.
The Conservative MP Philip Davies has faced down a torrent of abuse from colleagues, taking a principled stance against a discriminatory bill which recognises only female victims of domestic violence. On Friday the House of Commons met to ratify the
Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said Tuesday that Turkey is considering reinstating limited use of the death penalty if there is an agreement between political parties.
The British media should refrain from reporting the Islamic nature of Islamic terrorism to avoid creating a backlash against Muslims, according to a report by a committee of the Council of Europe. British politicians including David Cameron and Nigel Farage also came in for criticism, accused of fuelling a rise in xenophobia, Islamophobia, and hate speech in the UK.
The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland will visit Frampol, Poland on Tuesday to lend show his support to the European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative (EJCI) which works to protect Jewish burial grounds in Central and Eastern Europe. Frampol is a
More than 30 per cent of prisoners in Germany are “foreign”, a much higher proportion than other European countries, the Council of Europe has found. In one state, foreigners made up an astonishing 96 per cent of incarcerated peoples. Of the 65,710 prisoners
European officials have criticised the British government for not allowing prisoners to vote and given it a year to come up with a plan to implement the demand. The Council of Europe expressed “profound concern” that the ban remains in
Europe’s top human rights watchdog on Thursday voiced concern at mounting racism in Germany, citing a wave of far-right, anti-Islam demonstrations at odds with the more recent image of a country ready to open its doors to hundreds of thousands
The Council of Europe’s ‘European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance‘ (ECRI) published critical reports this week calling for action in Hungary and Poland to fight prejudice within their borders. Although often cited as victims of intolerance in the UK it has been shown that