Pope Francis Debuts on TikTok to Hawk New Autobiography
Pope Francis made his debut on TikTok Sunday to promote his new autobiography, written with Italian journalist Carlo Musso for Mondadori.

Pope Francis made his debut on TikTok Sunday to promote his new autobiography, written with Italian journalist Carlo Musso for Mondadori.
Prominent figures continue to appeal to Pope Francis to relax his draconian campaign against the Traditional Latin Mass.
ROME — San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has thrown his support behind a petition for mercy on the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) launched by a group of prominent UK personages.
UK cultural and political bigwigs have written an open letter petitioning the Vatican not to ban the Traditional Latin Mass.
Pope Francis has denounced “arguing” about liturgical details after drastically restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.
The FBI’s targeting of Catholics sounds “much more like Nazi Germany or communist Russia than the United States,” Bishop Joseph Strickland said.
The Vatican announced Tuesday that Pope Francis has chosen “diversity in the Church” as his prayer intention for the month of January 2024.
Pope Francis’ war on the Traditional Latin Mass continued Tuesday as the pontiff confirmed that no bishop may grant permission for the Mass to be said without an okay from the Vatican.
German Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office (CDF), has criticized Pope Francis for his “imprudence” in clamping down on the Traditional Latin Mass.
Pope Benedict XVI described Pope Francis’ decision to ban the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass a “dangerous” error, according to a new book by Benedict’s longstanding secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein.
Pope Francis accused those resisting his sweeping restrictions on the traditional Latin Mass as sowers of division in the Church.
Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich has prohibited the celebration of Traditional Latin Masses on the first Sunday of every month, Christmas, the Holy Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Pentecost Sunday.
Pope Francis extolled the virtue of humility Thursday while denouncing those who find “reassurance” in clinging to liturgy, doctrine, and devotion.
The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales has expressed dismay at Pope Francis’s latest crackdown on conservatives and traditionalists by further restricting the use of traditional liturgy.
Pope Francis closed a number of loopholes Saturday to lock in a prohibition of the traditional Latin Mass, which has been celebrated by Catholics for centuries.
AP showcases Pope Francis’s clampdown on the traditional Latin Mass as one of his most significant accomplishments in 2021.
ROME (AP) – Pope Francis doubled down Saturday on his efforts to quash the old Latin Mass, forbidding the celebration of some sacraments according to the ancient rite in his latest salvo against conservatives and traditionalists.
Catholic actor and film director Mel Gibson expressed his support for the views of outspoken Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who recently condemned Pope Francis as “the head of the most extremist faction of progressivism.”
The former papal nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, has issued a scathing indictment of Pope Francis, calling him “the head of the most extremist faction of progressivism.”
U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke has expressed his “profound sorrow” over Pope Francis’s recent letter drastically restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.
ROME — The redoubtable Cardinal Joseph Zen has joined the growing ranks of those criticizing Pope Francis for his harsh crackdown on the traditional Latin Mass.
Pope Francis’ decision to radically restrict the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass was “theologically incoherent, pastorally divisive, unnecessary” and “cruel” writes George Weigel, an American Catholic intellectual and biographer of Pope John Paul II.