Chicago Mayor on if He’d Support Deportation Raids Targeting Criminals: Trump Is Trying to Create Fear

On Tuesday’s broadcast of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson responded to a question on whether he would support deportation raids that focused on people with criminal convictions by stating that “this has happened under previous administrations, whether it’s President Obama or President Biden. This is not anything new. I think what the President is attempting to do is to create hyperbolic fear and tension in this country, and that’s not what we need right now.”

Co-host A Martínez asked, [relevant exchange begins around 6:35] “Mayor, quickly, about 30 seconds, if these raids were to focus on people with criminal convictions, would you support that?”

Johnson responded, “Well, again, those individuals will be subject to the law. So, we’re — and the federal law provides that type of investigation. Remember, this has happened under previous administrations, whether it’s President Obama or President Biden. This is not anything new. I think what the President is attempting to do is to create hyperbolic fear and tension in this country, and that’s not what we need right now. We need someone who’s going to be committed to standing up for working people. That’s what I’m doing in Chicago, building more affordable homes, creating opportunities for our young people, providing more access to health care, particularly behavior and mental health care. And all of those investments have driven crime down in our city. That’s how we build a better, stronger city, and that’s how we provide a more inclusive economy. That’s what this President should be focusing in on in this moment.”

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