CNN’s Jennings: Trump Indicted ‘Gangsters to Their Faces’ in ‘Glorious’ Inaugural Address

CNN’s Scott Jennings praised President Donald Trump’s inaugural address on Monday during his network coverage of the 47th president’s inauguration.

Jennings applauded the speech for what he described as Trump indicting “gangsters to their faces.”

“I thought this was an incredible speech, honestly, and truly watching Donald Trump indict these gangsters to their faces while they had to sit right in front of him in that intimate setting in the rotunda for Republicans was remarkable,” Jennings said. ‘They had to sit there and take it just minutes after Biden, who we’re looking at here, pardoned his entire family. I mean, it was glorious. By the way, I love the rotunda setting. I thought it was regal. I thought it was awesome.”

“And listening to him talk about how he’s going to exercise his power today reminded me that he is absolutely ascendant,” he continued. “He is at the apex of his political power right now. And, you know, the promise of a new presidency is enormous. You get this power and you have influence. And the mandate is to change people’s lives for the better and to restore American prestige. And he began to explain how he was going to do that immediately. The mandate’s simple — it’s economic relief. It’s fix the immigration crisis, steer the country away from the cultural left and restore American prestige. The speech hits several notes on that front.”

(h/t RCP Video)

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