Cent Browser is a free Internet browser based on Chromium!

What's new in this version:
Cent Browser (32-bit)
- Allow autofill on HTTP pages
- Increased scroll speed for multi-column bookmarks
- Restored default behavior of "Open all bookmarks"
- [Bug fixes]Mouse gesture for wheel button doesn't work on crashed page
Cent Browser (32-bit)
- High GPU usage in idle state
- Captions are not showing under web page fullscreen mode on Youtube
- Mouse gesture "Find selected text (next)" can't repeat the last Find action
Cent Browser (32-bit)
- Use new tab page priorly when restoring tabs
- Use foreground tab for the first bookmark when opening bookmarks folder
- Added some commands to the shortcut key customization list
- [Bug fixes]the bookmark name cannot be saved in time when editing the bookmark
- [Bug fixes]the badge number of the download button is covered by the icon
- [Bug fixes]SameSite Cookie policy causes errors on some websites
Cent Browser (32-bit)
- Modified translation strings
- Display DoH settings
MalwarebytesMalwarebytes 4.5.10
BraveBrave Browser 1.46.144 (64-bit)
PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop CC 2023 24.1 (64-bit)
PDFelementWondershare PDFelement 9.3.0
BinanceBinance - Buy Bitcoin, NFT & Crypto
BlueStacksBlueStacks App Player 5.10.0
TradingViewTradingView - Track All Markets
FilmoraWondershare Filmora 11.8.0
Google MeetGoogle Meet - Online Video Calls